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Slooowwww Day!

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EvianBaby | 16:39 Mon 31st Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
It really should be nearly 5pm now and not only 4pm.

I hate the clocks going back. And I didn't even get an extra hours sleep. I just ended up waking up an hour too early.


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ha ha, that would cause me huge problems! I keep forgetting to change the one in the car and getting falsely excited that it's later than it really is.

It is brighter in the morning, but I'll have to put the headlights on when I drive home tonight :(
I'm having a slooowwww day as well. Waiting in for insurance company. I hate waiting...
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I hate waiting too. Even to clean my carpets. I just want to go home and do it now.

3!!! That would be depressing. Are you right up the top?
I love it when it starts to get dark earlier... I just love Winter in general :-) am I the only one?
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I like it when it's really cold but really sunny and the leaves crunch under your feet. Other than that, you're on your own! ;)
Everyone that I have bumped into today has remarked how long this day is seeming! I have to work until 8pm!
Does your day feel like it's in slow motion?

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No, you're not on your own erin. I don't mind the hour going back at all. I think dark nights are cosy and as I like Christmas, it always feels like the lead up to Christmas for me! It's not like winter at all though at the moment, very mild here in the north west and likely to be so for the next few days as well. I like cold frosty mornings when you can see your breath! I know I'm in the minority though!
It's so dark here today (Lincolnshire) I've just put the lights on. Really gloomy. I'll just hibernate till the snowdrops start coming up.
No Erin you're not alone I like the winter as well, can't wait to get the wood burner fired up.
I don't like it. Lights have been on for about 15 minutes.
We normally eat at 6pm and then they go and muck around with meal-times.
It's my pooch I feel sorry for, she eats at 5.30 so she wasn't too chuffed.
I've just finished a long walk. That will probably be it till summer, don't want to be up a hill in the dark!
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Ahhh it's over, finally!

Now to wait for dinner to be placed in front of me and any littel knocks on the door. Whatever sweets are left by 7.30 - they're mine! You snooze, you lose.

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Slooowwww Day!

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