I was panicking tonight as I didnt have anything suitable. Stayed upstairs for the first doorbell ring (feeling mightily guilty as I hear young voices). Went downstairs after to look what I could offer. Got together a small bag of crunchy biscuits and a brand new, rather nice, child's jewelled frog key ring. Door bell rang. 2 small people with masks and mum hovering on the pavement. They were both holding small buckets (sandcastle size). me: which of you wants biscuits and which a keyring. Both masks come down a bit and one says to other - you choose. Chooser chooses keyring. Wise choice. Next year I will get some sweets in as it is awful to not want to open the door!
Mwahahaha! Mrs Chappie - the first one caught me having literally just walked through the door after a 2 hour drive on top of a very long day. I think I scared them.