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Good Morning Folks

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albaqwerty | 06:35 Fri 04th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
You can always tell when it's morning, it's pitch black!!!

Have a nice Friday folks xxx


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rofl Nora, I've got that image now :)

Morning my little fire-blanket xx
welshy, i get those e mails, about viagra, chance would be a fine thing.
hi alba xx
and all
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Morning me ol'mucker xx

I'm going to tootle to kick-start Friday. Take care everyone, have a lovely weekend xx
em10 - leave your number with the doorman for me - i'm owed a few days leave!!
..bye too...have a great week-end everyone. x
I'm always getting email offers of being consoled by "lonely housewives" who apparently are little ravers on the quiet. I am getting fed up with receiving them!
Morning all from a dull, wet Notts. I don't normally open spam but the last one I did was from a young lady from an Eastern European Country who wanted to come to England and be my "special friend"
Morning from Bristol. The sun is shining and it looks like a beautiful day. I know that could change but at the moment it is lovely.
Good morning one and all, I've just come in from a foggy, cold and very wet West Yorkshire. Not much happening this weekend but I do hope the gas-man/lady does my annual service check in the AM, they'll probably turn up at about 4:45pm knowing my luck... when I could have at least done the shopping in the afternoon... (I hate waiting in for people) at least its warm :-)
morning all... just been fulfilling my duties on the apotheosis popped in to say good morning... and report that I may have had too much coffeee.....wheeeee I can fly.... I hope....... as it is a long way down if I can't....XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
love you all...well except one or two...
Still absolutely peeing down here..........

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