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Meg888 | 15:48 Tue 15th Nov 2011 | Food & Drink
7 Answers
Most people think the best flavour of potato for roasties would be Maris Piper. But what would be recommended mash, plain boiled, or for use in casseroles?


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it has to be king edwards for me in every situation.....great all rounder.
If I can get Maris for roasts or chips, then yes, if memory serves they're not too bad for mashing either.
My local Fruit and Veg shop closed down a few months ago so am now reliant on supermarkets guff.
supermarket guff

just sounds wrong
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They sell Roosters....

I miss my shop :(
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I prefer King Edwards for roasting and mashing. For casseroles I would go for a waxy variety that won't disintegrate such as Charlotte or Maris Peer.

When you say plain boiled I'm not sure if you are referring to new potatoes in their skins or peeled boiled old potatoes. If the former then I'd recommend Charlotte, Anya, Ratte and Pink Fir. If it's the latter I have nothing to say as they remind me of school dinners and cannot eat them!

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