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fancy dress ..any suggestions

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MustangLady | 08:35 Fri 18th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Theme is THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE UGLY. Really don't know what to go as any suggestions? Thanks


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Go as Margaret Thatcher and let people make their own minds up ;c)
Mae west, good and bad
Glinda (good), Elphaba (bad) and emmmmmm..... Subo?? Haha!!
Ugly,,,,,, A Witch
"Ugly,,,,,, A Witch "

Oooo bobbs don't let Rowan hear you say that lol
Post your photo, and we can decide which one you resemble.
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haha ..rowan is a 'nice' witch Miss
Mother Teresa.
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Nun's habit on top (the good), stocking and sussies on the bottom (the bad) and face mask of Ricky Gervais (the ugly).
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Thank you all... some good ideas there :)
Mustanglady if i were you i'd have a triple change outfit for the night.
The good could would be a white cowboy suit, stetson and angel wings, the bad a red or black cowboy suit, stetson and devils tail or horns and the ugly could be a ripped to shreds zombie cowboy, if there's a prize then you've just won it hun! X.

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fancy dress ..any suggestions

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