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Either I'm going mad or everyone else is

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EvianBaby | 19:41 Tue 06th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
I keep seeing threads about partys and all the answers (and there are alot) are really weird. But everyone seems to know whats going on.

Someone please enlighten me!


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You've got to have an IQ over 150 to understand Mornington Crescent.
you are all behind the times :) the first i remember hearing that joke was off of "i'm sorry i'll read that again"
Oh, now you have made me all nostalgic.

I remember listening to "I'm sorry I'll read that again" on my little tranny, under the bedclothes.

Do you remember Bill Oddie singing:

My name is Angus Prune
and I always listen to I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again

(You Don't!)

My name is Angus Prune
and I never miss I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again

(Get Away!)

I sit in my bath
And I have a good laugh
Cause the sig tune is named after me

(Tell us yer name!)

My name is Angus Prune
And this is my tune
It goes I-S-I-R-T-A
I'm Sorry I'll Read That AGAIN!
yes, but i'm only 37 so i remember it from my walkman

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Either I'm going mad or everyone else is

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