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george best?

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the>one | 10:22 Sat 05th Nov 2005 | News
24 Answers
great footballer.....but i'm bored to death with his health issues......its like we've heard it all before.....if he pulls through this time we'll be reading the same thing in another few months.....


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Yes the>one, I do my level best to ensure that the words I submit for public display accurately represent the ideas they are meant to convey.

However I must admit that ambiguity must still be present within my phrasing judging by the occasions I offer the "stick of explanation" only for it to be grasped by the "wrong end" and used to flail me.

I am not confrontational by nature but neither am I one to flinch at defending my position. I have attempted to correct a misunderstanding but my apparent lack of success is causing much frustration to all those concerned; and that, probably to the greatest extent, includes me.

january_bug - the above is an admission of my own shortcomings and in no way is any of it meant as a dig at you.

kempie - sorry I didn't respond last night, I was preparing for a job interview, and should be doing so again now! I take your point, and I apologise. I understand that it wasn't a dig. To be honest, I'm actually just to pleased that

  1. There's someone else who is measured in their words (although I don't think we're the only two)

  2. There's someone else who isn't purely posting to wind other people up

  3. That someone (here, the>one) actually gets that! Hurrah! :-)

I must admit, that I, wrongly, assumed your answer to your own question. I felt that you were deliberately implying what you were reading into it, rather than just posing the question openly. Obviously not - ooops!

Finally, there's another user who quotes people's threads back at them as he picks them apart. Whilst I think that person has a lot of intelligent things to say, I find the technique patronising and almost aggressive. I realise that's not what YOU were doing here.... so sorry again!

So again, I'm sorry for getting the wrong end of the stick and going off on one a bit! :-) I'm also sorry that my delayed response led to any frustration. I know I can usually be relied upon to be visiting the site 24/7, but last night was a rare exception! :-p

january_bug - consider me de-frustrated(!)

I appreciate you taking the time responding to and allaying my concerns, especially when you should be concentrating on things of more importance.

Bona fortuna!

I thought Besties current problem was not drink related. Apparently the bleeding, etc., can happen to anyone who has had a liver transplant. That was the view of his consultant anyway.

PS Greatest footballer to have lived...

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