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micmak | 23:27 Fri 09th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
Do all my answers either kill a thread or get ignored?


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Is that slinkykate?
Maybe Slinkykate? I joined as slinkycat several years ago, then not long after a SLINKYCAT appeared and I thought eh?? Then she changed it to Slinkykate! Bit confusing!
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Sorry, my mistake,
No probs micmak, don't come on here much, and your post struck a chord with me:-)
I'll have to wait until March for Billing to open again :-)
Kingsbury water park is much nicer ummm
Hello micmak.It might feel that way, but it's not true. I often feel like that.
Some days you come on hear and have loads of laughs and the next day
everybody seems to be otherwise engaged.Don't let it get to you, in the
main they are a nice bunch with one or two exceptions.......
See, I told you so, they've all gone to bed!
Still here Cupid, bet I'm the last one on this thread:-)
LoL gotcha, I want to be last!xx
Ok I'll give you this one cupid, but just you wait til I'm more awake! night night!
micmak, a lot of people may like your post's but it doesn't mean your a thread killer, maybe the topic simply run it's course or simply no-one could better you last answer.

That's what I disillusion myself with... ;-)
Merry Christmas mickmak :>) xxx

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