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poor old Mr B

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bednobs | 16:19 Sat 10th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
i have just picked him up from hospital as he had an op yesterday. He is lying on the sofa looking most sorry for himself.
Poor me too, as i'm going to have to wait on him a bit :(


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Nothing serious I hope?

Men are poor at being poorly...
Hope he's ok and you don't have to do too much running around bednobs :)
Stay cosy..Hot soup,sandwiches and a cup of tea,and some Old movie to watch..that"ll put you both right!! :-)
you must tend to his every whim sure he is not ''laying it on''...
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flaaa! talk about old movies all, we are currently watching "the shootist" I HATE john wayne :( but it does have the redeeming feature of james stewart, who i love)
He's not too unwell - it was a planned ent procedure
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when i visited him yesterday, it felt very odd to be the one in the chair, not the bed! Also realise how annoying it is to have a long list of requirements thrust at you. Also i had to lend him my kindle to take in. It;s the longest i've gone without reading it i think!

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poor old Mr B

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