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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Andrew1707

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wolf63 | 12:49 Fri 09th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
To one of my favourite humans in the world - I hope that you have a happy birthday and that you enjoy your present from me and the kitties xx


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happy birthday Andy..whoever you are...!!!
lol murraymints, i'm no wiser than you but wish Andrew1707 a huffday buffday anyway =)
lol same here...but Happy Birthday Andrew!
Thanks mamya - did have a look bit couldn't find him..
happy birthday

andrew is wolfies brother
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Mcfluff - you are right - he is my little brother. He may not post though - he doesn't want to own up to knowing me. :-)
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Alfie Boe has a great voice and the song is nice too xx
Happy Birthday to me.

Sorry my reply is a bit late. I had a busy day at work on Friday and I hardly ever have time at the weekend to check AB. Too busy herding cats.

Best present was from my daughter: she corrected me when I said I was now 45 by telling me I was only 44. Yippee a whole year of my life back.

So Susan, is the Afro-Celtic comic scene big in Perth? Not watched the DVD yet. Too busy finishing off my other present, a 3 litre box of Westons Cider.
oh.. and a special thank-you to mamyalynne for my e-card. That was very thoughtful of you.
Happy late birthday, andrew!

I don't know Alife Boe, is he classically trained? I love his voice!
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boxtops -he is classically trained and English - . It would be great if I could download a version of him singing "He ain't heavy..." but it isn't to be found. He makes it seem so effortless'.

A - the Afro-Celtic comedy scene is huge in Perth, all the one (well padded) guy.

You should try herding cats - it is a difficult job.

Boxy - how's Rover?

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Andrew1707

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