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Back from skiing ... x

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joggerjayne | 22:14 Sun 11th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
And not in the "Family" section.



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That was quick! was it good?
Question Author
Not really quick, Boxy.

The big airlines (Swiss and BA) have the 6.30 and 7.30 (ish) slots from Gatwick,so EasyJet have to go at 6.00.Which is fab coz, with the time difference, you're in Geneva at half past eight local time, and you're on the slopes by lunch time.

Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning skiing. Home tonight.

I love the winter.

And the summer.
Question Author
Oh,sorry. Yes, it was good.

Jeez, I've had shahs that lasted longer than that.
Question Author
"shahs" ?
Question Author
Oh ...right.
You are in the Family? Jayne - that is HUGE news.....

Any snow,......
'shah' is that poshtalk for 'shower' ?
Question Author
DTC no no no no no no !!!!!!!

That's NO !

Dave ... you don't shower when you're skiing, obviously. A long soak is the order of the day.
Question Author
Noooooooo ... to Family thing.

And yes to snow.

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Back from skiing ... x

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