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Birthday Blues

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maggiebee | 09:58 Mon 12th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
My "baby" is 42 today. Surely I can't be old enough to have a 42 year old son??
Just had a peek in the mirror - I am!


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ouch! That's gotta sting, lol.

Hope he has a good one :-)
I know how you feel Maggie.............the daughter is 42 in March :-(
Me sons are going grey but I'm not, funny that. ;o)
There was me feeling sorry for myself as my youngest is turning 18 in a couple of weeks. Puts it into perspective.

Hope your son has a good 'un Maggie x
What about my poor Mum, both her children are now pensioners !!
"Poor mum" I think she is a rich mum, she must be in her 80s and living long enough to have seen all stages of their lives, wonderful, Carry on mum.


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