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Why does this happen?

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bednobs | 20:38 Tue 13th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Why do (mainly men) go bananas and murder their children and wives then commit suicide. There have been 2 recently and i just wondered how normal ordinary people do this


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No matter what awful situation I found myself in, I could never even think about harming my children.

I simply cannot fathom it, so presumably a level of insanity must be involved.
A better question might be , why parents in england and wales kill a child every 10 days?Worse still,
"The proportion of child homicides in which the perpetrator is a parent is exceptionally high among infants". For example between 1995 and 1999 in England and Wales, 80% of homicide victims under one year old were killed by a parent
"............'tis the season to be jol-lee...fah la la la la, la la la la...."

Altogether now.......
Theyre hardly jolly in Leeds are they?
In the main, I should say they are.........

(Granted it will depend upon to which *they* you refer.....)
Odd sense of humour.
We are usually a really jolly crowd in Leeds teddy-boy, but at the moment we are upset and shocked that the young family has died, they lived not far away from me. No-one can comprehend why he could snap the way he did. Strangely I wondered when Gary Speed committed suicide if it could trigger a spate of suicides. The world is going mad.
What puzzles me is, when this happens the neighbours and friends usually say they can't understand it, they were such a lovely family or they didn't seem to have any worries, but something must be wrong and it's happening far too often.
Where I live in Leicestershire we are very shocked and upset at the murder/suicide of the ex policeman and his family. Friends and neighbours say they WERE a lovely family and can see no possible reason other than he was sacked from the police last week - its so so sad. RIP Samantha and Genevieve, get well soon Kim and Adam.
BTW - the allegations in the Press as to why he was sacked may be totally untrue said the Police chief on the local news.

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