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Racist on the bus #..... Lost count

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EvianBaby | 11:31 Wed 14th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Just saw this and aside from the gross behaviour and language, it does actually have a rather comical moment.



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Saw that yesterday and laughed, she really made a complete fool of herself. :)
Im not sure I would have asked the driver to stop the bus before throwing her off, I would have been tempted to ask the driver to speed up and then throw her off.
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LOL LOL LOL at Triggs!!

You horror!!
The bloke she is accusing of being a foreigner actually speaks better English than she does. What the heck is an Affrobean? lol
fluff? what have i got to do with this?
i also want to know what an affrobean is?
Triggs is implying that you are the woman in the video, fluff.....Bad man!!
I was almost predicting his reply, "Im actually just a humanbean"
Afro-Caribbean sort of thingy.......I presume.
It's a bean with an affro...
ah well i can confirm its not me, i'm not nearly as charming :-p
It's like a broad bean, only with an affro hairdo. (TIC)
i thought it was some kind of coffee
Love the play-by-play report from the DM there.

PS. This is why I don't use public transport if it can be helped, some people forget they're "outside" and should "be quiet" and especially "not be noisy enough to annoy that chap over there trying to get some work done."
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I feel I should also add this one for a bit of North/South Balance.

Oh my god!

Just when you thought you'd seen it all.

Terrible behavior...
Good grief, what a truly vile woman !

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Racist on the bus #..... Lost count

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