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can any one tell me....?

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mrspask | 15:52 Mon 19th Dec 2011 | News
28 Answers
Can anyone tell me if provisions have been made to ensure people from other countries arriving,ostensibly,to see the Olympic games,use their return tickets.Or will they be allowed to disappear into the British[English]woodwork?
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Seriously Red Helen-I do know how strict we are about people coming in!Its the overstayers that concern me.The phrase "cloud cuckoo land" comes to mind!
US logs everyone in and out of passport control electronically! why can't we? x
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But how do "electronically log them out"if they do not turn up at the airport?
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Illegal immigration using the Olympic Games as a cover is the elephant in the room. Even if the French had won the right to host it Calais would be on meltdown. Personally the Olympics should be held on Ascension Island so there will be disruption, the contestants will return home and we won't have to see Seb Coe's stupid smug face. Lets face it the Olympics are really annoying.
The same thing could be said any time. We have 10,000s of visitors every month any of them could ' disappear' and some do. It will be the same over the Olympics just bigger numbers.
Better start now to build some pretty high boundary fences around our properties, there will be some pretty good jumpers coming over next year.

Even if the Government are not particularly bothered how many find their way into our country, I don't want any illegals on my property.

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