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The cheek of it!

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sherrardk | 23:02 Wed 28th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
I put two treat-size flakes in the fridge with the express intention of snaffling them on the sly and someone has eaten one of them - the house is awash with chocolate - I am blaming himself.


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I hate chocolate cold from the fridge - mine has to be at room temperature.

BTW - anyone else welcoming back Wispa Gold, as much as I am?!
Fridge is OK, but you need to put the flakes in a packet he won't think about opening.
what, like in a fish finger box....
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I don't mind sharing - it's the fact that there is a bin bag full of non-in-the-fridge chocolate (including five tins of Quality Street) and he eats one of the two tiny flakes that I put in the fridge.
It's winter, hide it outside.
I'm not a chocolate lover. I have (in days gone by) hidden S&V crisps.
I have too micmak..... in the dustbin
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I've just asked himself and boy #1 and they both deny any knowledge of it - think it must be dementia after all!
Anno, I loved them years ago. Now I am a bad eater, wouldn't put them in the bin though.
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Just so you all have a sound night's sleep, I have found it! It had fallen off the shelf into a door bit (where you keep jars of stuff that you use once and then chuck out when you can be arsed to sort the fridge out).
you hid it in the fridge?? You might as well have had one of these signs on it

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Hi jno - there is a bloody bin of chocolate, this was especially put in the fridge for me!
All is well that ends well :)
hidden ones are tastier, everyone knows that.

So okay, now you've slandered your entire family...
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Be fair jno, we are talking chocolate here!

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The cheek of it!

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