My friend is an alcoholic. He has recently had 3 seizures- the latest one being today. He is now classed as epileptic. Do you think this has anything at all to do with the drink?
There was research in the USA last year about a drug called 'topiramate' which was being developed for epileptics, but was found to have significant benefits in the treatment of alcoholics. I'm afraid I haven't kept up with the progress of this, but I know there are increasingly linked studies between the two conditions and their treament. Sorry, I can't be of more help.
Yes. Alcohol poisoning is known to precipitate seizures, and they are a common feature in abrupt alcohol withdrawal. Sounds as if your friend has a major problem - sympathy and best wishes to you both.
I'm not too sure, but it could very likely be something to do with alcohol.
I'd suggest to him about just asking his doctor or someone who's helping him through his epilepsy about it, no offence but they'd probably be able to help more than we would i guess..
A fit can be triggered by excess/binge drinking. My friends brother had the same probs. Once he was on medication, binge drinking affected the performance of his prescription. He drank moderately after that, hasn't had a fit since, and now has his driving license. He says he's never felt better.