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maggiebee | 11:31 Sat 07th Jan 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
12 Answers
Did anyone watch this programme which was on last night (possibly a series).
About a Muslim who found out he had been adopted and that he was in fact a Jew. Very funny as he tried to come to terms with it. Sure it was Alexei Sayle in the lead role.


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It was Omid Djalili. Planning to watch on I-player later.
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Thanks Calibax, kept looking but just couldn't be sure who it was.
Ahh, Omid Djalili - funny guy, didnt see the show though... sounds interesting.
I didn't see it - but I'll look out for repeats. Which channel was it on, maggie?
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When north London Muslim Mahmud's mother dies he discovers from his birth certificate that he is adopted - and Jewish. With his son poised to marry the son of a hardline Islamic cleric now is not the perfect time for Mahmud to have a crisis of faith. But then he meets an American Jewish cabbie and begs him to show Mahmud how to be a proper Jew, with disastrous results.

Was on BBC1 last night.
Thanks Maggie. That sounds like fun! :o)
It was not a TV programme but a feature film. I watched it on DVD a few weeks ago and thought it was very funny.
Oh, I just have to see that! Thanks mibs. :o)
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Good film, funny man.
its a decent film. written by david baddiel (mary wihitehouse experience) who calls himself a jewish atheist.

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