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Big Bruise on my forehead

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giveup | 01:29 Fri 20th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I know its in the wrong thread but I just wondered if anyone knows of something that might hide it. My normal make up does'nt hide it much. Would'nt normally bother too much but am going to a black tie dinner on Saturday.Thanks.


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What make up you using? Apart from foundation mabye a "light reflecting" concealer like YSL xx
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L'oreals new Beauty Balm, Quite good but not thick enough. Have also got theYSL concealer,but its a very black bruise and getting blacker at present. (Cupboard Door)
Awwww poor u!? Ice may help- like constant ice!!!

Is it arnica gel to soothe it ..i think its that! Mabye help a weee but by saturday xx
Use your normal foundation then use a concealer over the area then powder. Arnica is great to bring out the bruising but won't hide it in the mean time. Ice is brilliant for preventing new bruises for coming out.
Have you tried max factor Pan Stick? I fell over a couple of years ago and got a whopper on my chin, a real purple job. Pan Stick didn't hide it entirely but it made it look less awful.
A well laquered fringe hairstyle with a glitzy hairband or clip to draw the eye away from it
You can get special camouflage make up to hide scars, tattoos and birthmarks.
Not sure where you'd get it before Saturday though could try a large Boots store.
Theatrical make up? it has far more hiding power than normal make up.
Max Factor used to do it, not sure if they still do .
You might find this in Boots
If the bruise is mostly purple use a little yellow toned eyeshadow over your moisturiser and under your concealer it will help it cover better

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Big Bruise on my forehead

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