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neutral kid

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4getmenot | 21:29 Fri 20th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
25 Answers

Sorry if this has been someone else on here but just wanted peopes views on this.

Gender isnt stereotyped that much nowadays, this child may be a girl but chose to be a tomboy or grow up to be homesexual etc, but that is their choice when they grow up or figure out who they are. To me it seems like the mother really wanted a girl. And that child ad no say really in what clothes they were to wear.


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not sure. She was very quiet. She was about 7 and played with some of the other girls in the villas. Although one woman got drunk one night and said to her 'why do you dress like a boy, you're so pretty' and it really upset the girl
Hmmmm - odd. I was a tomboy and had cropped hair for a while but got fed up with being called a boy so grew it again. didn't wear a skirt or dress for many years but did wear girls t-shirts etc with jeans or shorts.
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because me and my younger sis were always bought same outfit different colours, she seemed to get the pink and I got blue, it just suited me more
I remember this being reported a while back and I thought at the time what a cruel thing to do to a child. I can't understand how two parents could experiment with a child's upbringing in that way, instead of allowing him to develop naturally as a boy. I hope it doesn't leave him with any social problems. Apart from allowing him to dress as a girl at the weekends, I wonder if he has been allowed to mix with other children of his age.
I have identical twin granddaughters aged 5.5, one of them decided at an early age she was a boy. Will only wear trousers and shirts and plays with boys toys. But there is a chink of light, her sister got loads of Sylvanian family stuff at Christmas and she was found playing with them, she also was found trying on her sisters dresses. She has since said she IS a girl but she likes boys things and clothes. I think it was her way of expressing herself as she is a twin and wanted to be different from her sister.

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