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rhodes minnis music quiz

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jim45 | 08:42 Sat 21st Jan 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
16 Answers
can anyone help with some of these please ,all answers are songs with a place in the u.k. in it no.5 N.R.[7,8] no.7 S.T.B. [8.3.5.] no.14 L.O.B. [7.2.8.] no. 15 D.G.D. [5.8.5.] no. 16 T.L.O.R.H.[ ] no.17 T.B.R. [3.7.5.] thanks for any help


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what's the letter count for 16 please (you are only showing letters for 4 of the words)
14: Lullaby of Broadway (Ealing Broadway)
Question Author
thankyou queencharlotte and boxtops, the letters for no.16 are [] i didn't realise i had missed a number off ,thanks for pointing it out .
16 the lass of richmond hill.
Have you any ideas for26 , 31 and 38 please jim45
tell us what they are, dozy, and we'll have a go!
26 w f (9,4)
31 BBFB (10,6,4,3)
35. T B O S M (3,5,2,2,4'1)
38 P L G F O (
26 Widecombe Fair?
35 The Bells of St Mary's
31 Burlington Bertie from Bow
7 Scotland the Brave
17) The Blaydon Races

Can you help with 6) L (7)

^17 Lamorna?
^sorry I meant 6 not 17
Question Author
thankyou boxtops ,calibax .owllady ,and dozyrozy ,i haven't got the answer for n0. 38 ,i'm still needing a few more 15 ,20 ,25 ,27 ,33 ,34 ,37 ,and 38.
Hi jim45 You obviously didn't sort out the listing problem.(press enter key here)
20 Bonny Mary Of Argyle (enter key again)
25 Cumberland Gap (enter key again)
27 The Leaving Of Liverpool (enter key again)
33 Ride A Cock Horse To Banbury Cross(enter key again)
Hope these help you jim still have some to find.
34. day trip to bangor
37. eton boat song
38. pretty little girl from omagh
do you have the answers to no 21 & 22 & 5 thanks

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