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just watching a programme about accidents and near death expierences....

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mrsmaveric | 23:51 Thu 26th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
have any of you had this happen to you??...


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I answered this on a thread some months ago. All I felt was pain until they shot me full of morphine then the next thing I remember was waking up in hospital a few days later, still in pain.
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sorry paddywak i was not aware that this subject had been discussed before,just watched the programme and it was most interesting i just thought id ask...sorry to hear that you are still in pain...
Same as paddywak, answered elsewhere recently.

Will see if I can dig out the thread.
It was sometime ago mrsm and some subjects just come back every now and then like the great Vacuum Cleaner debate which seems to pop up every couple of months.
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yes there are many subjects discussed so i guess some are bound to re-occur every so often...
Due to recent cuts in spending, the light at the end of the tunnel has since been switched off.
Just had a sort through and found the thread I mentioned
By the way mrsm apart from the odd tinge I've not been troubled by it for years. The accident happened March 11th 1974.
I've never had one but I wonder how many times we've unwittingly cheated death? eg if we'd left the house a minute later something might have happened?

My mum always tells me the story of when I was a toddler. I was sitting on the kitchen worktop, overhead was a huge glass-doored unit with lots of food ingredients etc in it. 2 minutes after me getting down the whole unit came away from the wall, crashing down onto the surface I'd been sitting on.

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just watching a programme about accidents and near death expierences....

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