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Thorntons survey

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micmak | 15:52 Fri 27th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Yesterday A paper bag was put in my letter box, asking me to fill in an online survey. Put the code number given on the bag and leave outside before 9 am today. I looked at the survey and decided the questions they asked were none of their business and threw the bag away. Today a bag of chocolates was put in my letter box. Mrs MM was quite pleased. Has this happened to anyone else?


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yep,I did that lasy year - they left the choccies but didnt take the survey!
I used to live about 50yds from the Thorntons factory. You could get miss-shapes for next to nowt:-)
Yes, a few times.
you didnt throw the chocolates away ? oh.
yes i got my choccies today lovely

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Thorntons survey

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