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Good old scousers humour?.....I think not

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ELVIS68 | 14:04 Sat 28th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Watching the Liverpool game and most Liverpool fans booing every time Evra goes near the ball, shame on them


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Everyone except Crafty then ;0) xx
Have to vehemently disagree with that assessment Steve.

The facts of the matter are Suarez referred to his skin colour 7 times during the altercation. Why?

As for the "I don't speak to blacks" comment I'm yet to hear anyone give a reasonable explanation of of that statment.

Liverpool's whole stance over the episode has been heavily criticised and the behaviour of their fans in booing Evra today did nothing to dispell any perceptions the general public may have about the Suarez/Evra episode.
I used to feel sorry for christian ronaldo a few years ago, booed wherever he went!
Barns had the same when he started at L/pool was there a fuss then?
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Ronaldo got booed because he was a diver, John Barnes signed for Liverpool in the 80's when racism was overlooked, I'm talking about a player who was booed by a club who's own player is serving an eight match ban for admitting calling him the "n" word numerous times.

Liverpool fans have shown their true colours today.
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No I didn't Steve

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Good old scousers humour?.....I think not

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