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Light supper help please?

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MissCommando | 14:45 Mon 27th Feb 2012 | Food & Drink
67 Answers
Hiya, I need some ideas for light supper meals for OAPs please.

I work in a care home and all the staff have agreed that the suppers are not great. The cook wants us to think of some ideas. Don't want anything with toast as they have that a lot.



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Yes, not many like it pasta.

She was asked if she would like them daisy. She would have refused if she didn't. She had all her marbles to the end. No need to be so negative.
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Oh I wouldn't want to put a relative in the home I work in. Luckily, all the staff are lovely and so caring to the residents. I used to work in a private home, the difference there was incredible and I don't just mean with the food.
At our place the residents are just sat in a room all day, never go on outings, don't really do any activities. We've got a lovely male resident who loves fruit and salad and I know some of the staff have bought him fresh fruit pots on their breaks out of their own money!
We all complain about the home but we've got a useless manager and it's all budget, budget, budget.
I also found that in the private home, the residents' families came to visit them more regularly and seemed more caring. Most of the residents at our place do not have visitors at all, quite sad.
The only reason we're thinking of food ideas it because there was a meeting with the big boss and we told her we weren't happy. The cook is not happy at all about us interfering with her menus but we're trying to do what we can to ensure the residents have more variety in their diets.
It's so frustrating but I love my job and old people :)
MissC they are lucky to have people like you who want what's best for the OAPs and at least you are doing something constructive. I hope you got the ideas you needed xx
If I ever need to go into a home,I hope there is someone like you there MissC.
"the cook is not happy" MissC. That's a good start then. Perhaps she'll leave and you will get someone who gives a damn.
Keep battling Miss C. You know that we appreciate you.
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