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Scottish Independence

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peashaq | 03:26 Sun 19th Feb 2012 | Current Affairs
28 Answers
You may take our lands
You may take our oil
You may take anything you can lay your hands on
But you will never take us seriously
That's why we don't like you

Sorry, just spent a few days in England (nice people really, just glad to get home)


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Oh and btw - I've seen plenty of 'jock bashing' passed off as banter on here, so don't start with the double standards.
03:41 Sun 19th Feb 2012
when living in Norfolk was asked what part of Wales are you from ? response...the north bit...we call it Scotland...
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chaptazbru - sorry hen, I assumed from your response "Don't like you much, glad you went home!!!", that you had met me, thankfully I'm mistaken.

MarkRae - One doesn't pity ignorance, one educates it, pity you didn't know that, however you do now.
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i once heard a comedian comment on the relationship between NZ and Aus, and between Canada and USA.

they were laughing about how one side, as a nation, were apparently consumed with hatred for the other, and would sit back revelling in what they perceived to be this all out hatred and imagining the mutual loathing... when in fact the other side couldn't care less, had no interest in the other side, and didnt waste a single moment even thinking about them....some were even unaware of the supposed conflict

it is a bit like the notion of a tortoise hating a person

this is the same situation with the english and scots...we couldn't care less.

while many scots seethe with rage at the english you would be hard pressed to find an english person who gives a toss.
I didn't reckon much to Braveheart.............
Your rude comment said 'That's why we don't like you' which is why I reiterated by saying I don't like you. Obvious really. You are so ignorant, it's laughable, mate!!! (Don't like being called hen).

Good point joko.
Oh I don't know joko, I've known some English folk who were right tosse....nah, let it go. :)
'Nice people really'

patronising g!t

and I don't care where he comes from

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