i would say it wasnt abuse exactly, but the daughter undoubtedly suffered during and after what happened ... she was hidden under a mattress in a bed base wasnt she? locked in for weeks etc, and then the torment afterwards, but to my knowledge the was no delieberate attempt to harm her physically or mentally
had they been brighter theyd have realsied their actions were damaging
im not supporting her or her release, she is a stupid, rotten woman, who cooked up a stupid rotten scam - its just that threats to kill etc from kneejerkers who then admit they did not even know the story says a lot about stupidity... kill first ask questions later eh?
how is that any better than her?
i realise this comment was retracted but how many others will jump to conclusions and react anf threaten similarly? no use saying 'oops' after standing in front of her smashed windows, tyre-slashed car ... or beaten body...