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Noisy Audiences

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gness | 23:35 Fri 30th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
When I am in charge of all the theatres in the world I will ban sweet paper rustling and decapitate people who talk throughout performances.


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Puccini for me, Em.

I think people talk through movies because they're used to sitting in front of the television and talking whenever the fancy takes them. At the cinema they seem to forget they might be disturbing other people.
I find it astounding that people need to eat all the time in theatres and cinemas - why? I just think folk have got so used to watching things at home, the etiquette which we were brought up with about not chatting etc., has gone out of the window - they think they're at home. At least we don't have to watch through spiralling cigarette smoke again more!
there was no etiquette in the old days, watching a film at the local flea pit, the kids would fight and throw things at each other, the screen, and the usherettes, and adults would take in fish and chips and any thing they could munch on, and no one sat quietly, those were the days.......
It wasn't like that in our cinema when I was a nipper, em!

I hardly ever go to the pics these days - it's about 8 years since I was in our local cinema.

It's all noise which intrudes that I object to. I went to see Nigel Kennedy a few years back at the Brighton Centre - excellent, but the air conditioning was so loud that it really spoilt it. I complained to the management but they told me that I couldn't have a refund, because I stayed to the end - although they switched it off after the interval:-(
I cannot understand why people laugh their heads off so noisily at stand-up comedians at the end of every sentence when i do not find their jokes in the least bit funny. My wife is of the same opinion.
Perhaps they think it is an obligation as they did not have to pay for their seat.
Years ago I took my mother to see a radio quiz programme recording. During one question the person on stage had no idea of the answer to "What does it mean if someone does intestate?" The audience were saying the answer so to shut them up the presenter pretended to shoot them with his hand raised out towards them. Hapless contestant thought this was a clue and said "That he got shot". Audience collapsed with laughter and the people listening at home probably wondered why.
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Not wrong thread EM with the complaining I did last night.
Yes. People do behave as if they`re at home with the TV and have no theatre etiquette. God help anyone who brings fish and chips near me at a performance!
Once sat behind a chap at theatre performance of Evita. He started translating for his foreign friend...songs and all. Soon stopped that.
Love the idea of a gun Grass. Hitman on the balcony.
Glad I`m not alone wanting to enjoy a performance. Don`t feel such a grumpy clomplainer now. Thanks.
Audience involvement.

There is the story of the sanctamonious Bono appearing on stage with Sting at the Kelvin Hall in Glasgow.

Towards the end of the concert Bono comes out on stage and sets up a slow hand clap into the mike. After a minute, minute and a half of this, he leans into the mike and said, "Every time I clap, a young child in Africa dies of starvation or AIDs; we must do something."

A Glawegian voice from the audience: "Well, stop feckin' clappin, then."
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And I`ll bet Bono didn`t have an answer for that,DT.
I went to seeMat Munro in the early '70s at a restaurant club in Great Barr. One of the rules was that during the performance all applause was kept until the last note of any song, another was that during the show the bar would be closed except for the interval and at the beginning and end of the show. The waiters & waitresses all sat down and no-one was served...

It was a great show and everyone was satisfied, both with the show and the food which could be eaten properley and you could converse with your guests/partner.
Matt Munro.....wonderful performer...wonderful guy.....can't say more...

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