So, my better half is at a stag do this weekend, and so it is just me, the cats & the axolotls!
I am not used to being on my own, but need to start getting used to it as he is going to be away more with his work (he should have been going out more and staying outover night with work more then he has been the last 2 yrs but hasnt been because he doesnt like leaving me because I hate being on my own!)
So, have had my nails done in town, had a wander about, done 2 lots of washing and will soon be cooking some bolognese as I am starving!
Question is, do I venture to the pub later or stay in and watch tv?
He will be back late lunch time ish tomorrow, and he has been texting me today bless him, and I am sooo glad he is having fun with his mates. He spends all his life working too hard and getting agro fromme & his kids, he really deserves this weekend!
Hey all,
Thank you for your posts and talking to me last night :-)
Watched a bit of tv, hung the washing up and went to bed in the end! Have to say I got woken up a few times by texts lol and they all found their way back to the hotel about 4 this morning!
I picked him up from the station about 45 minutes ago and he has gone for a lay done but has said to wake him up at 2 so we get to enjoy the after noon doing something together :-)