Surely caving someones head in with a hammer is post watershed stuff. So why are the soaps exempt? On the few occasions I have accidentally caught a bit of one of the main soaps I've often thought they should be on late (if at all!). What does it say about the masses that this appalling drivel is so popular?
the main argument is that when tuning into the main (regulated) broadcast channels one should know what to expect
ie sitting down to watch something at 7.00 pm with your maiden aunt or young children should not put you at risk of what could be an awkward situation
When I was a kid the word "bloody" and other soft swear words were unacceptable now they say them on kids shows. Nudity never, inffered violence, ok, visual violence no. Then came Bouquet of Barb wire
TV constatly, pushes boundaries 3 steps forward 2 steps back.
while we're on the subject of soaps "trying to show some degree of true to life stories....", why is it that the police are invariably portrayed as brainless numpties?
seems to me that the only "justice" in soaps is meted out by the locations' hard men, such as phil mitchell.