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Gay Marriage

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ll_billym | 03:38 Sun 11th Mar 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
127 Answers
How pathetic are the church? They tried to pull The Bible out and now they are referring to a dictionary.

Why can't they just admit that they are scared that this will diminish their already waning power? The church does not own the word 'marriage', the taxpayer owns this word and most taxpayers rightly do not care a jot about who gets 'married', let alone whether they are the same sex or not.

The only reason I care is that to my mind it is another nail in the coffin of religion. All thoughts welcome!


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naomi - not a problem - there is none! My point exactly - and yours.
Yes indeed.
Since when did the taxpayer or the church own the word Marriage? Thats a ridiculous arguement
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Graham, thanks for your detailed and eloquent response.

I will clear things up for you. In my post...

Own = Gets to decide what it means (define).

Taxpayer = Citizens of the UK who contribute towards the political and judicial system and therefore have a voice and a valid opinion about legal matters, including legal definitions.

Church = An arbitrary group who believe they have authority over taxpayers (see above) who do not belong to their group due to their historical association with the social institution 'marriage'.

I hope this helps.
The sheer silliness of this whole debate is exemplified by the term "owning the word". Since when were words owned? Just for interest, until 1837 marriages WERE owned (regulated) by the Church. They called it Holy Matrimony (and still do).
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Mike - ironic how your point revolves around the use of a single word that you do not agree with my definition of - 'Own'.

If you don't like the word 'own' simply substitute 'has the authority to define the legal meaning of'.
I have no exception to gay partnerships or civil ceremonies, but,marriage is a man and women, Mr and Mrs, Him and Her. That is the way it has always been and should remain. also what about the name change , which one should change their name to their partners. so Mr and Mr Smith?

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