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Wine of the Week

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NoMercy | 18:42 Thu 12th Apr 2012 | Food & Drink
4 Answers
Côtes Catalanes Carignan 2010.

Now, I am not a lover of French Reds, but this is one I could get used to. A richly concentrated red, jam packed with black cherry an red fruits, leading to a hint of chocolate on the finish. Partners well with parma ham and strong, ripe cheeses. Available in Tesco for £5.49.


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DT, I loved the Piccini!

Packed with sumptuous fruits flavours, sharp and tangy. Thoroughly quaffable red!
Damn I was in tesco's today..

Really enjoying the Indomnita Nostros Gran Riserva out of Chile's Maipo Valley, Cab Sauv c£7-49 available in my Experience shop, Hennings for you, NoM and Virgin Wines amongst others. Herbaceous blackcurrant nose. Ripe blueberry characters freshened with refreshing acidity. Juicy, chocolatey finish....mine is a 2010 and am going to try and source an 07 which is rated.

They also do a Merlot, SB and Carmenere.
Glad you enjoyed it, sharp and tangy being good descriptors - worth breathing for an hour or so before "degustation"...
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I will try to let it breathe... I WILL try...

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