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God's got a funny old sense of humour...

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rojash | 00:55 Tue 24th Apr 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
11 Answers
Brazil actor playing Judas dies from accidental hanging


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Did God tie the knot?
Talk about dedication to the art and craft of acting . . . perhaps they should sign him up for the role of Lazarus in their next production.
^^ You should take up a new occupation. Talent scout. :o)
//^^ You should take up a new occupation. Talent scout. :o)//

Still trying to pawn me off on someone else. I'm sure there are at least one or two here who appreciate your efforts. ;o)
//Still trying to pawn me off on someone else. //

Haaa! As if I would! No, old chap. Simply acknowledging yet another of your hitherto hidden talents. The idea of casting someone who has died playing Judas in the role of Lazarus is nothing short of pure genius!
Was it an auto erotic incident... I was thinking more the second......
The Devil's in the details.
Orange in mouth, stockings & eroticism
Crown of thorns, vinegar to drink, extreme body piercing too Sandy?
That does seem to be Mel Gibson's take on it. I'm not sure if I fully agree, though.

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God's got a funny old sense of humour...

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