The Curse of the Slushy Teeth strikes again ....
I have opined on here before a list of people who have had dental work done that is so dreadful, that it has altered the way they speak, giving them a dreadful 'slushy' sound to their voice, as though their teeth are too big for their mouth.
My list - from memory is, in no particular order -
Margaret Thatcher
David Jacobs
John Craven
Richard Briars
Hugh Hefner
Rula Lenska
Kate O'Mara (a new entry)
and after tonight, and seeing him on telly for the first time in years - Chris Evans!
What's wrong with these people! Without exception they all rely on their voices for their professional image - except perhaps Hugh Hef, and they are all without exception more than able to afford the very best orthodontist around to fix their teeth for them.
They all sound like the got their new teethe from the Co-op horse!
Don't they listen to themselves?
Don't their nearest and dearest have a word?
It really grates on me, fortuntely I don;t have to listen to any of them on a regular basis, apart from Crhis Evans whom I like on Radio Two. His voice has not betrayed his cheapo gnashers before, I hope I don't find myself noticing now that I have seen him on TV tonight.
Anyone else notice this phenomenon, or is it just me?