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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 05:37 Sat 28th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
Saturday morning. It's cloudy but dry at the moment. It won't last! Today is supposed to better than tomorrow. The long range forecast says a hot summer from the beginning of June. I hope so!
Have a happy day everyone.


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Raining here, gloomy all day I expect, oh, apart from the bit when I start packing for my four days in Dubai from Thursday. I just gotta go to th e desert to get away from this drought!
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Cheer up em. Summer is on it's way, it's just not in any great hurry!
I haven't put my gloves away yet! :o}
*the* (sleepy fingers)
Good morning Capt. enjoy your trip to the sun and sand. =)
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Morning spod. Just the place to get away from a drought, the desert. I like it! :o}
Morning all - chucking it down here already in Kent, and set for the weekend :-(

Lucky captain spod - is it worth going for 4 days, given the length of the journey? (I ask because we'd like to do there!)
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Morning boxy. xxx It is. Believe me! :o}
Thanks wbm - we've friends out in Dubai, it's just getting over that mental hurdle and GOING!
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It's worth it boxy, but go for longer if you can.
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Time I was elsewhere. Have a happy day everyone.
I think I'll cope. It's a few hours of sitting down, being fed, watching free (!) movies and having a snooze, all with the resposibility taken away from me. Arrive in dry heat and then straight to the pool.
Treat the travel as part of the holiday and it ain't so bad!
Have a good day....stay well wbm xx
I'm off to go to the Leinster Rugby Forum and throw my tuppence worth in there....a bit of stirring is always good for the soul.
Have a great day all. xx

Allez les bleus!!!
Leinster -v- Claremont tomorrow. =)
good morning all. rain holding off at the moment, i'm sure it will shower later. apparently it will belt down tomorrow - good job i'll be staying in. have a good weekend everyone
Good Moanin', Good Moanin', a bright sunny Saturday moanin'; the question, as always, is this sustainable with the hoolie that is supposed to be crashing in tonight and tomorrow.

Oh well, enjoy it while it lasts.

Off for brekkie with friends, shortly.
Good morning every body
Good morning all. Fairly bright but cold and windy here in North West Wales today. I'm off to my car-boot sale. I'm suffering aches and pains after a week at Centre Parc with OH, son, daughter in law and grand daughter. Pedaloes, ten pin bowling, bike riding, skating, crazy golf - marvellous, but oh I'm so TIRED!!!
Mornin' WB..nice looking morning ...bit of sunshine for a change. Back to normal tomorrow is the forecast so better get some outside stuff done today.

Might not bother though, it's the last league football day so better keep an eye on the scores..both local Sheffield teams on a knife edge so could be interesting...Best to you all...

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Good morning early birds!

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