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crappy day

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slinky.kate | 11:00 Sat 28th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
3.30 am,sons girlfriend comes here on here own crying,says they had a big fall out.grandson coming over for the day with his girlfriend,'but'i have been up all night ,still got dinner to prepare,have been hoovering etc. and now i'm knackered(like an ojd horse that should be put down).
can my day get any worse,i will have to sit with a smile on my face and pretend everything is hunky dory.


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Off with the pinny..get up here to Edinburgh....nice tincture or two...few cream cakes... get you back on track.....hoope it gets better !!!
Tell the girlfriend to bugger off! There problems, not yours. There- sorted!
oopsie...their, not there* could of left it like that !!!...☻
hehe MM, yeah perhaps I should of ;-)
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murraymints ,will you pick me up,i havent any transport????
How did [i it go ????.....getting to like this [i]italic thing ]...

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crappy day

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