i am a warden and as tomorrow the fines with us is 90 disabled bays are for blue badge only, in a ticket carpark you would not get in without a ticket or out well the blue badge is a permit for those users to us them, people who dont have a badge will get fined and if they took the extra 2 minute to park properly then they would'nt get fines the offences are parking in 2 bays at any time when the warden is around, parking on cross hatches blocking other drivers field of view, parking on footpaths, disabled bays, loading bays, pick up points someone has to be in the vehicle untill it leaves, exceeding the maximim time allowed (2-3 hours) double yellow lines, no parking allow zones.
now that is the basic. People you done you driving test and you had to learn the highway code then obay it or you will get fined. I find that the people who complain are the ones who like getting things their own way all the time. if you drink drive and get away from getting caught you get cocky and then you get caught you get pissed of and your not sorry its the same with carparks, you do it all the time and nothing happened now you get fined well tough it might wise you up the next time. remember an extra 2 minutes of time can save you a fine. and people they are legal.