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Rules for being respectful around women

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EvianBaby | 18:22 Wed 02nd May 2012 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
I'm the only female in my company and so when the lads are in the office the conversations can turn into what some might consider slightly distasteful.

I'm not offended by any of it at all, even the stuff directed at me although I of course pretend as though I find it all vile and 'threathen' to record it and take them to tribunal.

Anyway, I want to create some sort of list to pin up in the office about how the men should behave whilst in my presence. You know, the sex word should not be mentioned, etc.

It's all just a bit of a laugh, not to be taken seriously so can anyone think of any suggestions as to what I can add to my list of 'rules'?


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As Prudie says ... they should not use the "c" word ...

... ie. "Cricket"
or the "f" word

football, wat did you think I meant?
The F word's OK though -- Football
A Woman office worker where i started my career used to f__t like a fifty bob horse
I used to work in an office with approximately a 50/50 split men / women. In general the atmosphere was always most congenial with wonderful, amusing banter shared by all. Actual examples of this are:-

Me, to a young lass wearing skin tight leggings, "Bloody 'ell, Joanne! How on earth do you get into those leggings?
Joanne, "A couple of Bacardi Breezers would be a good start, luv!"

Me, in the car on the way to work, pulled up alongside one of the more mature ladies, "Get in the car darlin' and I'll show you some puppies!"
Reply, "Aw! Don't I get a shag?"

Me, on being offered a chocolate willie purchased on the office trip to Blackpool, "Gee thanks, Pam! Do they only come in medium?"
Pam, "I think you'll find they don't come at all actually, Mike."

A colleague, as an aside to me, when a young lady had a somewhat overloaded tray of coffee from the machine, "Hey, look at Jacqui, I bet she drops them!"
Jacqui, "No, I don't!"

Everybody was amazingly good humoured and nobody ever thought of "harrassment".
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Thanks for all the answers everyone. Made me laugh. :)

I'll compile my list of rules later. If you cant think of any more let me know.

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