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petrol mower cuts out

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Kos | 11:52 Mon 28th May 2012 | Home & Garden
14 Answers


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Yes, they do that, sometimes.
I've come across that problem occasionally, there are any number of reasons for it.
Lack of petrol, bad spark plug or maybe the air / petrol mixture needs adjustment at the carburetor.
Possible overheating which vapourises the petrol too quickly.

Try cutting your lawns at the beginning or the end of the day.

Oh, and a Question is considered polite, rather than just a heading.

Hot weather airlock would be my guess too.
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Sorry- should have read.............
Unleaded petrol mower- starts, then cuts out after a few minutes, or lacks power. Spark plug coverered in black sooty deposit. Cleaned it and within minutes if wass black again. Any ideas?
Your air / petrol mixture is to rich ( with petrol ).
Is this a 2 or 4 stroke motor?
Knowing what make of engine might help. Briggs and stratton engines don't have a float chamber to flood so look for an air filter clogged with grass cuttings and oil.
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Teenage son had turned the fuel supply tap OFF !!!!!!
Hm. You won't find that particular fault in the instruction book.
sooty plugs indicate something is not right regardless of other things.
service time - air filter, mix, airlock, host of things...
It is always the thing that nobody thought of..

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petrol mower cuts out

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