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Good morning all.

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TWR | 10:23 Tue 12th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
N.W.Lancs, up to now, sunny, warm & dry, strange sort of day, is it the lull before the strorm?


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oh i dunno, i like a good strorming :P
good morning all...brightened up a bit here in Edinburgh..dry and warmish..dull but sun trying !!!
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Give over will you or I'll come over & smack your @rse Boo, keep the rain your side, sun over here lol lol, you ok?
South-East, windy, bright(ish), spitting with rain, not unpleasant, could be a strorm later
hehe, yeah im fine ta TWR, sunny in t'valley too, it obviously won't last!
Can't see office looks out into a pit between high walls think it might be grey as I need the lights on
Good morning to you all, very dark clouds here in West Yorkshire, looks like it's threatening a down-pour but one hopes it holds off for now, I have to venture out on foot.

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