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Anybody watching Queens

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DTCwordfan | 16:04 Sun 17th Jun 2012 | Sport
35 Answers
Disgraceful incident with Neobandian kicking a line judge and injuring him, bllod pouring out of the poor man.

Instant disqualification.

Crowd don't like it and are booing.

Queens have handled it appallingly - no explanation from any official. I would have Neobandian apologise to the audience before the presentation ceremony so that could take its due place with the black cloud lifted.

He's now blaming the ATP rule book.....


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Playing the devil's advocate and thinking along the lines of a defense in a hypothetical civil action - would Neothingy be justified in assuming that the courtside furniture was robustly made and securely fastened to the ground and therefore capable of sustaining some measure of impact, rather than a flimsy bit of planking held together by a handful of nails tacked into the end grain?
He kicked the blue box around the line judge
He didn't kick the judge himself and didn't aim for the judge himself
Even the commentator said it wasn't malicious just ungentlemanly conduct
I'd say that the sign was fit for purpose. It was never designed as a martial arts accessory or placed there to relieve the stress of petulant sportsmen.
Quite right shoota the boarding should have been more rigid..............then with a bit of luck he'd have broken his leg.
Lol Craft - that would have been natural justice!
I Love U Craft. Hilarious.
Disgusting behaviour and to not apologise properly to the crowd and to Cilic, who I felt really sorry for, was appalling. Thought the whole thing was handled badly though as nothing was explained properly to the crowd. Hope he gets a hefty fine and banned.
That may well happen Jan as I believe the punishment is determined by the ATP, who he was having a go at.
Really disappointed the BBC didn't show any of the doubles either. Would have liked to see that.
I don't understand why we aren't watching the doubles now. Has anybody got any understanding of why?
No and it's bloody annoying. Unless you have sky you only see tennis in June and July so coverage isn't exactly overdone.
The whole place is a theatre and everything in it is a set.So long as nothing is touched the illusion remains.Imagine Guilgud or Olivier throwing a hissy and kicking the scenery would anyone suggest it should have been more robustly constructed ...of course not it was not meant to be touched.100% blame on the player correct action taken.
Silly man, and it was turning into a really good match - he could be sued for that little outburst.
Outrageous behaviour, totally unacceptable and a very poor example of professional sportsmanship ..... however - the police investigating now as an assault???? Really?? Should the police not be left to catch criminals and use their resources in a more productive way??

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