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EcclesCake | 18:22 Thu 28th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
I've just checked tomorrows weather forecast and discovered it runs out at 05.00hrs.

As the storm knocking around is going to hit apocalyptic proportions I just wanted to say it's been nice knowing you all and feel free to leave messages of condolence below.


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Flippin' 'eck!!!! Tomorrow runs out at 05.00hrs too. I can't cope with this uncertainty, I make a valliant attempt to empty wine rack, booze cupboard and freezer only to find BBC weather extends itself by five days. I then go off and restock..........

Today I find that tomorrows weather ends at 05.00. Is the BBC trying to up the profits of Waitrose and Laithwaites???? I can't keep up!!!
there's always another side:
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DTC, I try to but finding a balance between consumption and consumerism is a fine line.........
at this time, I think I too would stick to the consumption, eccles!
what ... no more eccles?

how can life go on?
Sorry eccles, missed this before.

Is this a continuing epiphany for you perhaps? Sort of Groundhog Day set in the off-licence??

Battle on! When there's only the grenadine, some cherry brandy and that stuff that came back from Crete in 1998 left, that's the time to worry....
omg eccles you cant go round foretelling global disaster and scaring people to death based on a weather forecast..... whatever next? one based on a calendar or something? lol ..... and if you are right.... how on earth are you going to get the message out to all the world in the next 10 and half hours? you'd be famous for a bit though when the papers pick up on it.... I've only ever seen end of the world is coming thingys by men lol

Its already past 5am in some places...i do hope they are all right ;)
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Excelsior, thank you for your sniffle at my demise. You might want to check your BBC weather forecast though, it might affect you too.....

There's nothing else for it I'm heading for Speyside and when I've drunk that dry I'll head fro Islay.
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Humber, if my drinks cupboards are so bereft that I'm hitting the Cherry Brandy I WANT THE WORLD TO END!!!!

PDust, chill the end of the world seems to only occur in Berkshire at 05.00hrs. It's not a Global wipe out......I hope.
It's the funny coloured liqueurs from long forgotten holidays that you need to watch ... evil in a bottle ...
O yes eccles, I was nearly scarred for life by a teenage experience with cherry brandy, my mates just got pebbledashed

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