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wiggal - thankyou so much for sharing that.
So I will also share- at school aged 13/14 a certain boy made my life hell. Waited for me at end of path every day, i could see him from the top and dreaded walking down it. To cut long story short, few years later aged 18/19 I was in a pub with friend when I spotted him in corner tablewith group of mated. had had a biy of Dutch courage so walked over and said " Are you the boy who used to bully me at school?" he looked at me for a bit and laughed, and said "Migh have been" and turned to chat with his mates. I was so angry I picked up his pint, poured it over his head and slapped him round the face. His mated burts into hysterical laughtr, and e just sat there and didnt utter a word. prob shouldnt have done that but god did I feel good.