I've got all the grid filled & the five thematic people/groups from the surplus letters.
But now I'm stuck finding the (obviously nothing to do with the five thematics already found) four members of a thematic group, the further member and the subject matter.
I'm going 'boggle-eyed' and really could do with a large nudge to help me.
Thanks in advance.
The surplus letters have a musical link to the theme (JB), the words to be highlighted have a literary connection to it. Let me know if that's not enough of a nudge!
Hi Neveracrossword
I'll now settle down amd have another look!
I'd already thought of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, but I suppose I better look at what else he wrote?
Thanks again
No - you need other authors of JB books! There are quite a few - some (4, I think) of them are to be changed slightly (as per the preamble). Others end up as a string of six letters, forming shapes (007) in the grid.
thanks neveracrossword, I was about to give up but saw this thread ( was in same position as ripper going boggle eyed or something similar ) hope you've now completed Ripper
Hi Mad Max, glad you're no longer boggle-eyed!
and a VERY BIG thank you to Neveracrossword
It took me quite a while for the penny to drop but now it's done I think you deserve a drink (shaken not stirred!)