For an eye injury, its been a week plus since i got brake fluid in my eyes but im still having trouble with my right eye (the one which go the worst of it) theres a black line with dots at the bottom and irritating the poo out of me!!
Gone an eye test booked for monday at tescos, as its free but just wondering how long it takes for an eye to heal.
That sounds horrible, firewatch - I don't know the answer to your question, but maybe you could put out a call for help for york310 - an eye doctor on here, who has given me good advice in the past - hope that the eye gets better soon!
yes i did i went to a+e straight after it happened and the flushed it through, then checked wit an eye ting. Thanks islasmum, its more annoying then anything else just aches in the afternoon into the evening but i think thats the eye straining.