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TWR | 09:56 Thu 26th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
Whats the answer? this is getting out of control?


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Funny place Turkey. I bet they didn't include all those at Midsomer.
I bet they've never seen a Turk in Midsomer - it's not exactly representative :-)
Getting to Hampden today was murder, perhaps that what he meant?
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Ask a sensible Q, just about right to expect off some, a stupid answer
For bibblebub - a third Bournemouth murder reported in the Echo today plus there was one in Weymouth last weekend. Both family related though.
yep it's all go go go in Bournemouth - or at least that's usually the best thing to do do do if you find yourself in central Bournemouth or Boscombe
Mick-Talbot, >>>Because of murder getting out of control ...... I no longer go camping.<<<

When the police say the situation is intense, its different to in tents!!

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