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Wine of the Week

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NoMercy | 14:11 Thu 09th Aug 2012 | Food & Drink
13 Answers
Co-Op Fairtrade Chilean Sauvignon Blanc

A well-rounded and balanced white, this wine has subtle favours of lemon and underlying nuances of grapefruit. Crisp, refreshing but not too acidic, this is ideal for drinking on its own or for pairing with all chicken dishes and salads.

Available in Co-Op stores for the normal price of £6.99.


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Aaah - the Wine of the Week is back - well done.

Haven't tried the Fairtrade - as you know I have been hunting down the Allegory, a Howard Park Western Oz Sauv Blanc and Semillion, packed full of melon, passionfruit, grapefruit and nice and tangy - £7-50 apparently. Had a bottle of Opportunist from the same area, same price, same grapes and not bad but not quite as zingy in the mouth.

My other one that I have been quaffing in quantity is French - another young vignobler family property, this one on the Thon right down in the south , a Cab Sauv, the Domaine de Mont-Auriol, almost Chilean in nature and not French, a degree of elegance to a classic Cab Sauv. £7-50.
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The Cab Sauvignon sounds lovely - I do love a meaty Cab Sauv.

I had a beautiful Brazilian wine recently...will try to find a link...
Question Author
Here's the link:


It was about two months ago, but its beautiful aroma of white flowers made a lasting impression.
Interesting - did you get it from them?

I had a Uruguayan Merlot from Waitrose when I was up in Oxford - wan't bad. Around 8 quid.
Frascati has almost been elbowed right out of view by the current fad for Pinot Grigio.

But this excellent wine knocks spots off most PG of a similar price :

Just the job with some nibbles before dinner on a warm evening.
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I had it in a restaurant, DT.

I think I featured that Uruguyan Merlot in a previous WOTW. Waitrose do an excellent Zinfandel


Excellent with Charcuterie, patés and cheeses and well worth the £13 price tag.
There are some great cheap Moselles for that, sunnydave - keep an eye out for a Luxembourg one, with the wonderful name of Wormeldange - chill it right down and its ideal for an evening like tonight and pre-eats.
No Waitrose down here yet - on its way though to Truro.
How was the dinner party by the way...?
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I am not a Pinot Grigio lover, but Pinot Gris is another matter. I know, technically, its the same grape but the countries that refer to it by the latter name do produce a very different finished product.
Sainsbury's own label Romanian Pinot Noir is a very decent red.
Question Author
This is a cracker of a wine:


Euphemia, thanks. Would love to try a Romanian wine.

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