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Good morning wbm

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owdhamer | 05:03 Thu 23rd Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
Morning wbm and all the other ABERS up at this time of day , off to bed now.


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Yes GNS just got tonight and tomorrow.
You won't see that cat again GNS you have scared it for life lol
wendilla, a couple of weeks ago they were selling venus fly traps in Homebase, they were on the little stand by the tills
good morning everybody.

off work no. for the rest of the week - plus bank holiday and weekend = five days of rest.

need to mark some returned postal quiz sheets today, and type some letters.

tomorrow drive over to pick up the god-daughters and take them to their dentist.

weather is nice out there, at the moment.

happy day all.
Thanks boxtops we got one of them so will look there if I don't get one at nurseries.
enjoy the bennies today as the weekend looks like it is going to be awful - typical for an August Bank Hol, isn't it?
Woken up at 7.20 by thing 1 being sick all over me, herself and the bed, not a happy bunny :(
oh dear, sher....
Not a nice greeting indeed......
Morning Sher x
The poor child :-(
She's fine in herself, but they have all been out of sorts for a couple of days. Hope everyone else has a good day.
Morning All

Good sleep at last - but then went to make morning pint-of-tea and the last of the milk is 'off'. Black tea is weird :+(

Domestic chores this morning (at least got the lawn done between the monsoons yesterday) and then work this afternoon.

Wonder if I can borrow a cup of milk off the neighbours ...
Mornin' OH, mornin' all...bit on the dull side and rain on the way but what do you expect on a British bank Holiday..sunshine?

Off to Aldi soon for the weekend booze..lots of nice wines under £3 quid and even nicer ones under £4...can't get that at Tesco.heh heh!

Nice day all...

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Good morning wbm

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