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Yaaaaaaay ... today's post

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joggerjayne | 12:53 Tue 04th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
... The new Jack Wills catalogue.

I know, I live about two minutes walk from the nearest JW shop, but it's still quite nice to get the catalogue through the post.


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JJ, go sign up to the Coggles newsletter. While most of it is just clothes, they do a great Sunday supplement.
And you've got 2 badges - well done x
Question Author
Okay, Ed ... just done it.
Question Author
Badges? Me?
and 43 Bests, not all of them netball
Question Author
Surely none of them would be for netball ?

(otherwise I'd have given them to myself)

So the "taken part in long threads" ... that would be my "Amanda Is Innocent" campaign, LOL
JJ - around here all the chavs in town wear JW to make out as if they've got loads of money (rather than more money than sense). You're not a chav are you??
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I'm starting to feel a bit chavy.

I like Jack Wills, and I had a tin of curry for lunch.

OMG ... Chav Central !!

Aaaaaaaaaggghhhhh !!!!!

I feel the need to go shopping.
Is Jack Wills just in one area of the country?
I've not heard of them.
I got a chocolate mint E-Juice through the post this morning.
Question Author
Not heard of Jack Wills, parkdale?

So you're in ... the Outer Hebrides?

E-Juice? An energy drink of some sort?
Question Author
Just Googled e-juice.

You smoke it ??
"You smoke it ?? "

Aye :-)
Hi jj, (if you are still monitoring your earlier post), I've googled Jack Wills and see they are university outfitters and at first glance their clothes look a bit out of my league. We certainly don't have any our way in Essex.
M&S forever!!!
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They call themselves University Outfitters. That's just the general style of their gear ... casual, early twenties age group. Or mid forties, LOL.
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I think the nearest store to Essex is in Aldeburgh, and there's one somewhere called Burnham Market.

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