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Thin skin

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masma | 12:33 Wed 19th Sep 2012 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
Due to taking steroids my skin is very thin and if I get the smallest of knocks on my arms I get, whats like, a blood blister. These last for ages and are very unsightly, does anyone know how to get them to go a bit quicker. TIA


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I am not sure that steroids are the problem, unless you are using the steroids as cream over a long period of time. I would suggest that you skin is thin because of your age (although I have no idea of your age.)

I would suggest that you see your GP for a routine blood test and if this is normal, as i think it will be then is nothing that you can do to get rid of these blisters more quickly.
hi masma, i suffer from the same (except legs usually rather than arms), and i put mine down to 13+years of steroids always takes ages to heal too. I presume mine is not age related as i'm under 40
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sqad - doc said it's due to both long use of steroids and my age, just wondered if I could get rid a bit quicker. Thanks anyway.
bednobs - A neighbour swears by putting spray-on plaster on as soon as she knocks herself although it didn't seem to help me. Thank you too.

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